alarm {bnlearn} R Documentation

ALARM monitoring system (synthetic) data set


The ALARM ("A Logical Alarm Reduction Mechanism") is a Bayesian network designed to provide an alarm message system for patient monitoring.




The alarm data set contains the following 37 variables:

  • CVP (central venous pressure): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • PCWP (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • HIST (history): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • TPR (total peripheral resistance): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • BP (blood pressure): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • CO (cardiac output): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • HRBP (heart rate / blood pressure): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • HREK (heart rate measured by an EKG monitor): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • HRSA (heart rate / oxygen saturation): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • PAP (pulmonary artery pressure): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • SAO2 (arterial oxygen saturation): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • FIO2 (fraction of inspired oxygen): a two-level factor with levels LOW and NORMAL.

  • PRSS (breathing pressure): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • ECO2 (expelled CO2): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • MINV (minimum volume): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • MVS (minimum volume set): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • HYP (hypovolemia): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • LVF (left ventricular failure): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • APL (anaphylaxis): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • ANES (insufficient anesthesia/analgesia): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • PMB (pulmonary embolus): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • INT (intubation): a three-level factor with levels NORMAL, ESOPHAGEAL and ONESIDED.

  • KINK (kinked tube): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • DISC (disconnection): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • LVV (left ventricular end-diastolic volume): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • STKV (stroke volume): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • CCHL (catecholamine): a two-level factor with levels NORMAL and HIGH.

  • ERLO (error low output): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • HR (heart rate): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • ERCA (electrocauter): a two-level factor with levels TRUE and FALSE.

  • SHNT (shunt): a two-level factor with levels NORMAL and HIGH.

  • PVS (pulmonary venous oxygen saturation): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • ACO2 (arterial CO2): a three-level factor with levels LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • VALV (pulmonary alveoli ventilation): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • VLNG (lung ventilation): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • VTUB (ventilation tube): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.

  • VMCH (ventilation machine): a four-level factor with levels ZERO, LOW, NORMAL and HIGH.


The complete BN can be downloaded from


Beinlich I, Suermondt HJ, Chavez RM, Cooper GF (1989). "The ALARM Monitoring System: A Case Study with Two Probabilistic Inference Techniques for Belief Networks." Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 247–256.


# load the data.
# create and plot the network structure.
modelstring = paste0("[HIST|LVF][CVP|LVV][PCWP|LVV][HYP][LVV|HYP:LVF][LVF]",
dag = model2network(modelstring)
## Not run: graphviz.plot(dag)

[Package bnlearn version 5.1-20241001 Index]