Function index (in alphabetical order)
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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W misc
bnlearn-package | Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference |
-- A --
acyclic | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
add.node | Manipulate nodes in a graph | | Score of the Bayesian network | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
alarm | ALARM monitoring system (synthetic) data set | | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks | | Estimate the optimal imaginary sample size for BDe(u) |
amat | Miscellaneous utilities |
amat<- | Miscellaneous utilities |
ancestors | Miscellaneous utilities |
aracne | Local discovery structure learning algorithms |
arc operations | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
arc.strength | Measure arc strength |
arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
arcs<- | Miscellaneous utilities | | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa | | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa | | Import and export networks from the gRain package | | Import and export networks from the gRain package | | Import and export networks from the gRain package | | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the igraph package | | Import and export networks from the pcalg package | | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa |
as.grain | Import and export networks from the gRain package | | Import and export networks from the gRain package | | Import and export networks from the gRain package |
as.graphAM | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the graph package |
as.graphNEL | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the graph package | | Import and export networks from the graph package |
as.igraph | Import and export networks from the igraph package | | Import and export networks from the igraph package | | Import and export networks from the igraph package |
as.lm | Produce lm objects from Bayesian networks | | Produce lm objects from Bayesian networks | | Produce lm objects from Bayesian networks | | Produce lm objects from Bayesian networks |
asia | Asia (synthetic) data set by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter | | Measure arc strength |
-- B --
BF | Bayes factor between two network structures |
bf.strength | Measure arc strength | | Score of the Bayesian network | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
blacklist | Get or create whitelists and blacklists |
bn class | The bn class structure |
bn-class | The bn class structure |
bn.boot | Nonparametric bootstrap of Bayesian networks | | Cross-validation for Bayesian networks | | Fit the parameters of a Bayesian network | class | The class structure | plots | Plot fitted Bayesian networks | utilities | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | The class structure | | Plot fitted Bayesian networks | | The class structure | | Plot fitted Bayesian networks | | The class structure | | Plot fitted Bayesian networks | | Plot fitted Bayesian networks | | Plot fitted Bayesian networks |
bn.kcv class | The bn.kcv class structure |
bn.kcv-class | The bn.kcv class structure |
bn.kcv.list class | The bn.kcv class structure |
bn.kcv.list-class | The bn.kcv class structure | | Fit the parameters of a Bayesian network |
bn.strength | The bn.strength class structure |
bn.strength class | The bn.strength class structure |
bn.strength-class | The bn.strength class structure |
bnlearn | Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference |
boot.strength | Measure arc strength |
-- C --
cextend | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
children | Miscellaneous utilities |
children<- | Miscellaneous utilities |
chow.liu | Local discovery structure learning algorithms |
ci.test | Independence and conditional independence tests |
clgaussian.test | Synthetic (mixed) data set to test learning algorithms | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
colliders | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
compare | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks |
compelled.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
complete.graph | Generate empty, complete or random graphs |
configs | Construct configurations of discrete variables |
constraint-based algorithms | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
coronary | Coronary heart disease data set |
count.graphs | Count graphs with specific characteristics |
counterfactual | Perform causal inference |
cpdag | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
cpdist | Perform conditional probability queries |
cpquery | Perform conditional probability queries | | Fit the parameters of a Bayesian network |
custom.strength | Measure arc strength |
-- D --
dedup | Pre-process data to better learn Bayesian networks |
degree | Miscellaneous utilities |
degree-method | Miscellaneous utilities |
descendants | Miscellaneous utilities |
directed | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
directed.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
discretize | Pre-process data to better learn Bayesian networks |
drop.arc | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
drop.edge | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
dsep | Test d-separation |
-- E --
em-based algorithms | Structure learning from missing data |
empty.graph | Generate empty, complete or random graphs |
-- F --
fast.iamb | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
-- G --
gaussian.test | Synthetic (continuous) data set to test learning algorithms |
gbn2mvnorm | Gaussian Bayesian networks and multivariate normals |
gRain integration | Import and export networks from the gRain package |
graph enumeration | Count graphs with specific characteristics |
graph generation utilities | Generate empty, complete or random graphs |
graph integration | Import and export networks from the graph package |
graph utilities | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
graphviz.chart | Plotting networks with probability bars | | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks |
graphviz.plot | Advanced Bayesian network plots |
gs | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
-- H --
H | Compute the distance between two fitted Bayesian networks |
h2pc | Hybrid structure learning algorithms |
hailfinder | The HailFinder weather forecast system (synthetic) data set |
hamming | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks |
hc | Score-based structure learning algorithms |
hpc | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
hybrid algorithms | Hybrid structure learning algorithms |
-- I --
iamb | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
iamb.fdr | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
identifiable | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
igraph integration | Import and export networks from the igraph package |
impute | Predict or impute missing data from a Bayesian network | | Miscellaneous utilities |
incident.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
inclusion.threshold | Measure arc strength |
incoming.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
increment.test.counter | Manipulating the test counter |
independence tests | Conditional independence tests |
independence-tests | Conditional independence tests |
insurance | Insurance evaluation network (synthetic) data set |
inter.iamb | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
intervention | Perform causal inference |
isolated.nodes | Miscellaneous utilities |
-- K --
KL | Compute the distance between two fitted Bayesian networks |
-- L --
leaf.nodes | Miscellaneous utilities |
learn.mb | Discover the structure around a single node |
learn.nbr | Discover the structure around a single node |
learning.test | Synthetic (discrete) data set to test learning algorithms |
lizards | Lizards' perching behaviour data set |
lm integration | Produce lm objects from Bayesian networks |
local discovery algorithms | Local discovery structure learning algorithms | | Score of the Bayesian network | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
loss | Cross-validation for Bayesian networks |
-- M --
marks | Examination marks data set |
mb | Miscellaneous utilities | | Measure arc strength |
misc utilities | Miscellaneous utilities |
mmhc | Hybrid structure learning algorithms |
mmpc | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
model string utilities | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa |
model2network | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa |
modelstring | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa |
modelstring<- | Build a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa |
moral | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
mutilated | Perform causal inference |
mvnorm2gbn | Gaussian Bayesian networks and multivariate normals |
-- N --
naive.bayes | Naive Bayes classifiers |
narcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
nbr | Miscellaneous utilities |
network classifiers | Bayesian network Classifiers |
network scores | Network scores |
network-classifiers | Bayesian network Classifiers |
network-scores | Network scores |
nnodes | Miscellaneous utilities |
node operations | Manipulate nodes in a graph |
node ordering utilities | Partial node orderings |
node.ordering | Partial node orderings |
nodes | Miscellaneous utilities |
nodes-method | Miscellaneous utilities |
nodes<- | Manipulate nodes in a graph |
nodes<--method | Manipulate nodes in a graph |
nparams | Miscellaneous utilities |
ntests | Miscellaneous utilities |
-- O --
ordering2blacklist | Get or create whitelists and blacklists | | Miscellaneous utilities |
outgoing.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
-- P --
parents | Miscellaneous utilities |
parents<- | Miscellaneous utilities |
path | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
path-method | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
path.exists | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
pc.stable | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
pcalg integration | Import and export networks from the pcalg package |
pdag2dag | Utilities to manipulate graphs | | Plot a Bayesian network | | Cross-validation for Bayesian networks | | Cross-validation for Bayesian networks | | Plot arc strengths derived from bootstrap | | Predict or impute missing data from a Bayesian network | | Naive Bayes classifiers | | Naive Bayes classifiers |
-- R --
random.graph | Generate empty, complete or random graphs |
rbn | Simulate random samples from a given Bayesian network |
read.bif | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files |
read.dsc | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files | | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files |
remove.node | Manipulate nodes in a graph |
rename.nodes | Manipulate nodes in a graph |
reset.test.counter | Manipulating the test counter | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
reverse.arc | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
reversible.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
root.nodes | Miscellaneous utilities |
rsmax2 | Hybrid structure learning algorithms |
-- S --
score | Score of the Bayesian network |
score-based algorithms | Score-based structure learning algorithms |
score-method | Score of the Bayesian network |
set.arc | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
set.edge | Drop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge |
set2blacklist | Get or create whitelists and blacklists |
shd | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks |
shielded.colliders | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
si.hiton.pc | Constraint-based structure learning algorithms |
sid | Compare two or more different Bayesian networks |
sigma | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks | | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
single-node local discovery | Discover the structure around a single node |
singular | Utilities to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks |
skeleton | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
spouses | Miscellaneous utilities |
strength.plot | Arc strength plot |
structural.em | Structure learning from missing data |
structure learning | Structure learning algorithms |
structure-learning | Structure learning algorithms |
subgraph | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
-- T --
tabu | Score-based structure learning algorithms |
test.counter | Manipulating the test counter |
tiers2blacklist | Get or create whitelists and blacklists |
tree.bayes | Naive Bayes classifiers |
twin | Perform causal inference |
-- U --
undirected.arcs | Miscellaneous utilities |
unshielded.colliders | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
-- V --
valid.cpdag | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
valid.dag | Utilities to manipulate graphs | | Utilities to manipulate graphs |
vstructs | Equivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions |
-- W --
whitelist | Get or create whitelists and blacklists |
whitelists and blacklists | Whitelists and blacklists in structure learning |
whitelists-blacklists | Whitelists and blacklists in structure learning |
write.bif | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files | | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files |
write.dsc | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files | | Read and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files |
-- misc --
$< | Fit the parameters of a Bayesian network |